Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Submission and Security in Christ

Isn't it amazing how God does work within us so gently and compassionately! He knows us very well and in his own and our own time he brings us to a point of submission to Him.

Personally, I have been coming up to situations which I have, in the past, been a great stumbling block. But where these struggles were once so blandished before me in my relationship with God and others, in a now similar situation, they are almost minimal, if not non-existent. The only way I can explain that this has happened is through God's spirit. In a time when I was so broken that submission to God and his word was the only thing I could and would do, He was working within me and bringing my focus onto what is so great and brilliant and wonderful - Him. In the meantime he has freed me of so many chains almost without my realizing it! Isn't he wonderful!!! Praise God is all I can think to say.

Just an encouragement for people, something that I have and am learning is that although sometimes we get bogged down thinking we are so terrible, and it is true since we are the cause of Christ going to the cross, we should submit all our fears, failings and everything to God and he will turn our heart to a position where we can see what is good and it is all in Him. :) Our life, everything we consider good about ourselves needs to be in Christ, because all other pride sets itself against Christ.

I pray that we can learn how to give over more and more of ourselves both to God and those we love, without reservation or fear. This is something that I am coming up against at the moment, but as long as my hope is in Christ I am sure there is absolutely nothing to fear :)

Love you all :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Teneke-Rose-you are a treasure and a blessing!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, insight and journey. God has used your words to encourage me today. Blessya heaps Nikki! Loveya! - Sue